Hubbard Facebook Account:

We are always working to communicate better with Parents/Guardians. Please check out our Hubbard Elementary Facebook account at:


Our cafeteria will be shutting down on Dec 14th for the Christmas Holidays. Please pack a lunch for your child the week before Christmas.

Winter donations:

If you have any extra gloves, mittens, and hats that you would like to donate for our Hurricanes who are going without, please send them in or drop them off to the school.

Reading RockSTARs:

Your child can earn HUBBARD “STAR”s by doing their homework! 

After your child reads each night, please initial the reading log found each day in the agenda. Every 5 initialed entries is a reading STAR for the class and a ballot for a book draw. Let’s make everyone a reading RockSTAR!

Friday Hat Days:

Please bring in $1 or a nonperishable donation for our local food bank.

School Cash Online:

Please follow the link to pay for school events or fees:

Afterschool Transportation:

Reminder to send a note with your child to school if there is a change to afterschool arrangements. Verbal changes will not be guaranteed.

Absence Reporting:

If you know that your child(ren) will be absent, please call our safe arrival system at 1-833-294-4838 by 8:00 am to let us know about their absence. You can also download and install the App from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store or from the link located on our website –

Medicare Cards:

If you received your child’s Medicare card and have not already sent a copy into the school, please do so. If it was missing from your child’s Student Data Collection Sheet, you do need to send in a copy.

You can send in a copy or take a picture and send it to Tish at .

World’s Unbound Hubbard Girls Club:

Held every Wednesday afterschool for those who have registered.

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