Cafeteria (Chartwells):

Due to supply shortage for end of year, our Cafeteria may substitute items to fill orders. There will be no extra charge to parents.

Reminder there is no hot lunch the last week of school.

Hubbard Reads:

Thank you to all who donated to this wonderful cause. We have a few books left over after children have chosen their free books. To that end, we will be selling the last bit of books for .50 cents with proceeds going to support classroom libraries. Thank you once again for all your support.

PowerSchool Portal:

You can view achievement results via that platform. Please reach out to us if you have not registered for PowerSchool Parent Portal.

Year End Trips/Events:

Please see our calendar (Link under Looking Ahead) for up-and-coming dates.

Times and important information will be going out separately from your student’s teachers.

Please follow the link to pay any outstanding school events or fees:

Looking Ahead –

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