School Doors do not open until 8AM, Please do not drop off students before this time. There is no supervision for drop off students until this time.  
 Please ensure your student has a change of clothes in their backpack, this will prevent the school from calling if your student gets wet playing outside at recess, etc.
 If you have a new phone number, address or email address please contact the school to update your information. This ensures that we can communicate updates, contact if a student is ill, early dismissal, etc.
   Prepare for the Cold Weather 

As winter settles in, please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the cold temperatures. Our students go outside for Gym class 2-3 times a week, along with morning and lunch recesses. Students will be outdoors unless it is raining or the temperature drops below -20°C. 

Tip: It’s a great idea to pack extra warm clothing in your child’s bag and, as always, remember to label everything! 
 Bus Passes – Important Reminder 

Bus passes are only issued for emergency reasons. They will not be given for other requests. Students are allowed to have one alternate location  (e.g., daycare, shared custody) scheduled, and consistent for bus drop-offs. 
 Reminder March Break is March 3rd to March 7th- NO SCHOOL for students
 Popcorn Sale Announcement  Exciting News!  We’re thrilled to announce that we will be delivering delicious popcorn during snack recess every Wednesday! Get ready to enjoy a tasty treat mid-week.  Important Details  Price: $2.00 per bag  Order Deadline: All orders must be placed by Monday night before the sale.  Payment Method: Please note that there will be no cash sales for popcorn. Make sure to place your order in advance!  Enjoy Your Popcorn!  We hope everyone is as excited as we are about this new addition to our snack options. Don’t forget to place your orders on time and enjoy your popcorn every Wednesday! 
School Spirit Week will be February 24 to 28th    
 End-of-Day Changes – How to Communicate 

If there are any last-minute changes to your child’s routine at the end of the day, please send a written note to the teacher in the morning. If this isn’t possible, call the admin assistants before 2:00 PM M-T & 11:30 F. In such cases, you will need to enter the building to pick up your child. 

Please note: Teachers do not check email during instructional hours, so avoid sending email requests for changes. 




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