Outdoor Clothing:

We live in Canada and winter weather can change quickly. This means hats, mitts/gloves, snowpants and winter coat should come to school with them every day. We have many children coming to school inappropriately dressed and then asking to stay inside. Unfortunately, this is usually not an option as supervision is limited. Please remind your child/children to dress appropriately for the weather.

Pink Shirts:

If you would prefer to support a previous Hubbard Student to purchase a pink shirt, please follow the link: https://www.indigenousmarketing.ca/pinkshirtdayartist?fbclid=IwAR0_Oxm4JWE6ouGDAkYEiXOJXpJ0wr5gmb93Esx_lP4LUt_tikt9v95ini0

There is an option now available from the Boys and Girls Club on school cash online as well.

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